The Supreme Necessity for the Holy Spirit

by T. Austin-Sparks

Conference messages given in May, 1932. Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.

If we are moving into the end time, we are moving into the time when the enemy will stand at nothing, but exhaust all his resources of bitterness, malice, hatred, wrath and cunning and every other kind of resource to thwart the fulfilment of Revelation 12, because when that is fulfilled, his kingdom is at an end in the heavenlies and that is the beginning of the end of his kingdom altogether. How are we going to meet this and go through? Only in the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, and therefore, the occasion of this fresh emphasis that at the end time it will be essential and indispensable for the Lord's people to have a new and fresh knowledge of what the indwelling and the filling and the anointing of the Holy Spirit means. We will not get through except in the power of the Holy Spirit. We shall not triumph, except by the power of God. We shall not stand against the fury of the adversary only as we are "strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man".

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