The Recovery of Spiritual Power

by T. Austin-Sparks

From conference messages given in May, 1931. The last two chapters were published in "A Witness and A Testimony" magazines in 1931. The remaining chapters are from unpublished manuscripts of the same conference, edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.

We are all conscious of the need of spiritual power. There circles round the Lord’s people the suggestion that they are not what they profess to be, what they claim to be, or what they ought to be. We know that both in spiritual life and in service, and so we want to speak to one another about this situation, not only for ourselves, but because of this being the condition so widespread among the Lord’s people; that we may know how to minister in a day of weakness, failure and breakdown. We want to speak to one another to see how this thing can be changed. What are the secrets of the recovery of spiritual power?

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