The Line of Christ

by T. Austin-Sparks

First published in "A Witness and A Testimony" magazines, 1964, Vol. 42-3 - 42-4.

Here we are in the presence of a, if not the, all-governing, all-comprehending, all-encompassing truth, which is that God from the beginning has worked, and does ever work, on the line of His Son. His Son is God's starting-point and ending-point in all His works. Christ is the beginning, and Christ is the end of the work of God. Christ casts His shadow forward and backward over all the ages. If at any time we ask: 'What is it that explains the government and the ways of God?' whether they be in the nations, or in the people of God as a whole or in individual lives, there is always one answer - from God's standpoint that answer is Christ.

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