Filled Unto All the Fulness of God

by T. Austin-Sparks

Conference messages given in July 1934. Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.

"That you may be filled unto all the fulness of God". Spiritual illumination leads on to being filled unto all the fulness. Spiritual illumination, therefore, is a basic thing to God's end. We can never come to the fulness of Christ by the mere enquiry and investigation of our own brains into spiritual things. There must of necessity be the Holy Spirit giving revelation concerning Christ. We shall never come to God's fulness until we have come to an appreciation of what Christ is for us before God. If we are forever, even as the Lord's children, going to be circling round ourselves and be occupied with our own imperfections and taken up with an introspective analysis of our own faulty beings, instead of keeping our eyes upon Jesus and thanking God for what He is for us; we shall never make progress.

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